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About Our Website

       This website was crafted with two intentions:
       » Creating an additional line of communication between the Board of Directors of the Ashton Preserve Homeowners Associa-tion and its members and
       » Providing an exhaustive, single source of information and Internet links typically needed and/or wanted by those residing in Ashton Preserve.

       It is hoped that the Homeowners and Residents of Ashton Preserve find this website to be so pertinent and useful, that
they will utilize this website on a regular basis, even making it their Internet "starting page."

       Certainly, there is no other website containing such a vast amount of information directly relating to both homeowners and residents of Ashton Preserve and all other people residing in the greater Olney-Ashton-Sandy Spring area.


Make AshtonPreserve.net Your Starting Page -
        To see our site immediately when you sign on to the Internet, make us your browser's home page:

Web Browser Check
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        Using Internet Explorer 6.x (other browsers are similar), make AshtonPreserve.net your home page in this way:

  • Go to the www.AshtonPreserve.net home page.
  • Go to the "Tools" menu and choose "Internet Options."
  • Click on the "General" tab.
  • Click on the "Use Current" button.
  • Click "OK."

        You can also "bookmark" AshtonPreserve.net to add our website to Your List of "Favorites"

  • Go to the www.ashtonpreserve.net home page.
  • Go to the "Favorites" menu (not the "Favorites Folder" on the button bar) and choose "Add to Favorites."
  • To go to our home page at any time, click on the "Favorites" menu and scroll down to "Ashton Preserve Homeowners Association"
  • Alternately, you may drag the icon in the "Address" box to the "Favorites Folder" on the "Button Bar."

Netscape 4.0-6.0
  1. Select "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu.
  2. Click on "Navigator."
  3. In the "Navigator Starts with" section, select "Home page."
  4. In the "Home page" section, type "http://www.AshtonPreserve.net/" in the text box.
  5. Click "OK."

Internet Explorer

  1. Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu.
  2. Click on the "General" tab.
  3. In the "Home page" section, type "http://www.AshtonPreserve.net/" in the text box.
  4. Click "OK."

America Online

  1. Make sure you are on our front page, www.AshtonPreserve.net.
  2. Click the link below with your right mouse button and select "Copy URL to Clipboard."

    Ashton Preserve Homeowners Association

    * If the "copy" option didn't appear, highlight the following address: http://www.AshtonPreserve.net/. Go to the "Members" drop down menu and select "Preferences".

  3. Click on the "WWW" icon.
  4. Click on the "Home Page" box at the bottom of the pop-up window and then depress your "Control" and "V" keys (at the same time) and paste in the address. If the address does not appear in the box, simply type in what you tried to paste from above.
  5. Click the "OK" button.

Other browsers - Home page settings are generally found under "tools,"edit," "options," or "settings" near the top of the screen.


AshtonPreserve.net Statisticss -


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